Develop the Nations of Africa.


Acts of Kindness is a nonprofit humanitarian organization established with the principal objective to render community service and provide support particularly to the underprivileged through various intervention programmes and projects. The organisation is shaped in the belief that the world will be much better when everyone is out helping others. It is registered in Nigeria with the Corporate Affairs Commission.


We are Available

We are always available to help orphans and less priviledged people. We do this to help them gain self esteem and confidence in themselves.

We provide Education

Education is the first right of any child and we are committed to ensure that every African child gets educated.

We provide Health

We make it a priority to provide health services to the African communities. We also embark on workshops and seminars aimed at educating people on the importance of healthy living.

Some Support Areas

Here are some of the support areas where your donations will be of great help by enhancing the standard of living for the less privilege and the world at.

Provide Health Services for the Less Privilege

Education of Children in Africa

Provide Support for Orphanages

We need you and your help

It’s impossible to help people without people helping others. We always need volunteer who love to help.
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